MR Gardening vs Physical Gardening

September 15, 2021

MR Gardening vs Physical Gardening

Gardening is one of the most popular hobbies worldwide, with people spending a significant amount of their time, effort, and money to cultivate their gardens. However, with the advancements in technology, a new form of gardening has emerged, known as Mixed Reality (MR) Gardening. MR gardening allows people to design and plant virtual gardens using virtual reality and augmented reality technology. In this blog post, we will compare MR gardening with physical gardening in terms of cost, efficiency, and experience.


Physical gardening requires investment in various tools, such as shovels, rakes, hoes, trowels, pruners, and gloves, which can quickly add up to a significant cost. In addition, soil, plants, garden beds, fertilizers, and pest control products are some of the expenses associated with physical gardening. On average, it costs around $500 per year to maintain a small physical garden.

On the other hand, MR gardening requires investment in virtual reality and augmented reality technology, such as a high-quality headset and a compatible device. The cost of these devices varies from $400 to $1,000. Therefore, MR gardening tends to be more expensive, but it lacks ongoing maintenance costs associated with physical gardening.


Physical gardening is a time-consuming activity that requires much effort, strength and is often dependent on environmental factors such as weather conditions. According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, the average American spends around three hours a week gardening.

MR gardening, on the other hand, is a more efficient method since it eliminates many of the obstacles associated with physical gardening. It provides users with instant gratification by allowing them to create their garden in minutes or hours rather than days or weeks. In addition, MR gardening allows people to engage in gardening activities regardless of the weather conditions or time of day, providing an added level of convenience.


Physical gardening offers a hands-on, sensory experience that can be incredibly rewarding for many people. It allows individuals to connect with nature, witness the growth of their plants, and reap the benefits of their hard work. Moreover, physical gardening is an excellent source of exercise and an opportunity to relax and relieve stress.

MR gardening also offers a unique experience, but it lacks the natural textures, smells, and sounds associated with physical gardening. MR gardening provides an opportunity to experiment and create unique designs, and the outcomes can spark creativity and imagination.


Both MR gardening and physical gardening offer their own unique benefits, but choosing one over the other ultimately depends on individual preferences, needs, and budgets. While MR gardening is newer technology and more expensive, it is efficient, eliminates many of the obstacles associated with physical gardening, and provides a unique experience. On the other hand, physical gardening offers a sensory, hands-on experience, an opportunity to connect with nature, and is less expensive over time.


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